As I think back on 2011 many things come to mind. I guess the best words to describe this past year would be that it was a year of changes. While change can be both unnerving and emotional, it can also be good.
For one, I began a new venture starting this design blog and launching a repurposing career to go along with my design business. After 25 years in the interior design arena it feels good to start something fresh and to create something beautiful out of something past it's prime. It's been so much fun so far! Looking forward to this coming year and all the projects I'll be doing.A life changing event and probably the hardest to accept was bringing my daughter Brittany(& baby) off to college. This was a change that I knew was coming and dreading, but I must say I'm thrilled with her progress and transition. I miss her dearly. The house isn't the same, and time seems to be marching on. It is good though, and I know it is for her best. I'm a proud mom. She is a great friend and a wonderful young lady :)
One of the most difficult changes was saying goodbye to our faithful dog and friend, Sully. He was a German Shepherd/Collie mix and I called him "the king of dogs" he was so kind and smart. We had him for 12 years and he lived to be 16 years old. We use to say he was a kid dressed up in a dog costume...such a great soul.
We know we want another dog, but our standards are so high because of Sully...he's one of a kind.
I've also changed spiritually this year and for this I am most excited. My faith has grown stronger and have experienced a renewed trust in God. During a biopsy scare I felt so blessed to have been prayed for by a group of friends, and I experienced comfort from a loving and faithful God. He is so good...and even when the news was uncertain, I knew I wasn't alone. When I turned it all over to Him I found peace and joy. Why is it that I try to do life under my own strength first, and then when I can't figure it out we then turn to God? It must be that self-reliance comes more naturally.
As I reflect on this past year I see change, yes, and growth, yes, but also gratitude for old friends, and new ones too. For my dear family... you make my life full and I love you... see you next year :) ... and HAPPY NEW YEAR!